Sperosens - Envirogen (tm)

Total Flooding Suppression Solutions
Inert gas systems are the safe, natural way to extinguish a fire.
- Readily Available & Economical Refill
- No Combustion By-Products - Inert gasses do not decompose into toxic or corrosive elements in a fire, making it a safe choice for people and assets
- No Fogging - ideal for occupied spaces because escape routes remain visible during, and after a discharge.
- No Residue - no damage to your equipment and no clean up required
- Electrically Non-conductive
- Minimal Thermal Shock - inert gasses cause the least amount of thermal shock (sudden temperature drop), compared to other clean agents
- Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP)
- Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)

- Computer and Data Centres
- Operation and Command Centres
- Simulator Rooms
- Financial Centers and Banks
- Military Storage Centres
- Machinery Spaces
- Laboratories
- Process Industry Control Rooms
- Art Galleries
- Museums and Archives
- Rare Book Libraries
- Record Storage Facilities
- Substation Control Rooms
- Electrical Switch Rooms
- Telecommunication Centers